Applegater - Summer 2013

    Photo by Mikell Nielsen

1 Is there a future for the Applegater?
Kudos and heartfelt gratitude to all volunteers
2 Recent donations to the Gater
What's Inside the Gater
Seventh and eighth-graders help make our community a safer place to live! [by Carey Chaput]
Who We Are
3 Community Calendar
Movie review
Book reviews
4 Sanctuary One comes clean... one cup of vinegar at a time [by Becky Owston]
Applegate has a lot to pull for [by Barbara Summerhawk]
5 DIRTY FINGERNAILS AND ALL: Mulching out loud [by Sioux Rogers]
6 BACK IN TIME: Growing up on a squirrel ranch [by Evelyn Byrne Williams with Janeen Sathre]
7 THE STARRY SIDE: Miracles of a balanced universe [by Greeley Wells]]
8 TRENDS AND OBSERVATIONS: A new sunrise [by Rauno Perttu]]
Sap tap wrap 2 [by Laird Funk]
9 THEY LIVE AMONG US: Grammy-winning recording engineer runs studio at Pacifica [by JD Rogers]
10 Local musician hangs up teaching hat for exciting new adventure [by Mikell Nielsen]
Open letter to Warren [by Stephanie Allen-Hart]
11 High-tech wildfire detection in Southwest Oregon [by Brian Ballou]
12 Rainwater catchment systems [by Jim Reiland]
13 BIRDMAN: Owl-watching is a hoot [by Ted A. Glover]
14 Jackson County Library Services
Applegate Library [by Joan Peterson]
Ruch Library [by Thalia Truesdell]
Friends of Ruch Library Update [by S. Siler]
FEATURED ADVERTISER: Quinn's Well, Pump & Filtration Service
McKee Bridge Day is June 8
Voices of the Applegate Spring Concerts
15 GEN Y WORLDVIEW: A college degree: worthwhile? [by Jesse Hart]
16 Notes from a Rogue entomologist: Dragonflies: Lords of the air [by Richard J. Hilton]
17 More lavender farms in the Applegate Valley [by Bonnie Rinaldi]
Heavenly hounds and cosmic kitties [by Jeffrey Judkins, DVM]
18 TALL TALES FROM THE EDITOR: Family tales or Biting ankles [by JD Rogers]
19 OPINION: A Rogue climate for the Applegate [by Alan Journet]
20 Hot, dry summer predicted: Will you be ready [by Sandy Shaffer]
Change is coming for the Applegate Fire Plan [by Sandy Shaffer]
21 MY OPINION FROM BEHIND THE GREEN DOOR: Money doesn't grow on trees [by Chris Bratt]
Applegate Valley Community Grange is almost a year old [by Janis Mohr-Tipton]
Classified Advertising
22 Cantrall-Buckley Park NEWS [by David Laananen]
Join ATA for a hike on Applegate Valley Day in Cantrall-Buckley Park [by Michelle LaFave]
Celebrate Applegate Valley Day on June 22 [by EdTemple]
Applegate Trails Association guided hikes and event schedule
Applegate School [by Linda Kappen]
Ruch School [by Kim Neiswanger]
The Happy Happy Princess [by Isabelle Brown, First grade]
The Bee, The Rainbow, and The Blackberry [by Ellie Hillen, Second grade]
Battle of the Books: Jerome Prairie and Applegate Schools place first and second
Applegate School students receive awards at Three Rivers School District Science Fair
Annual Children's Festival at Britt Gardens, Jacksonville
24 Look who's reading the Gater

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  List of advertisers for this issue  
  A rogue climate for the Applegate (with images) [by Alan Journet]  
  My Volt - more than a year later [by Greeley Wells]  
  Western aralia: The Applegate's only native plant in the ginseng family [by Suzie Savoie]  
  Master Gardeners Free Plant Clinic, Summer Classes, Demonstration Gardens  
  Favorite Hikes in the Applegate: A Trail Guide with Stories and Histories [by Diana Coogle and Janeen Sathre]  
  Wild Wines Winery offers organic varietals [by Erika Fey]  
  More stories by Ruch School students  
  The Gardener - a poem [by Joan Peterson]  

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