Latest Issue • Spring 2025 Edition
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went in the mail in late February.
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Applegate Valley Community Newspaper, Inc.
P.O. Box 14
Jacksonville, OR 97530
Available Now!
BACK IN TIME: Growing up in the Applegate

Back in Time: Growing up in the Applegate
This book is a collection of pieces Evelyn Byrne Williams wrote for her column by the same name for the Applegater.
Historical photographs accompany the stories. $20. Available at Rebel Heart Books in Jacksonville, or,
with an additional $5 for postage and handling, from the Applegater on this web site,
from Lisa Baldwin, N8tive Run Press (leb.97527@gmail.com), or the Applegater, PO Box 14, Jacksonville, OR 97530.
Order here $20 plus $5 postage and handling.
Also Available! PENNED UP: Writing Out the Pandemic

This collection includes poems by Applegate poets Lisa Baldwin, Diana Coogle, Beate Foit, Seth Kaplan,
H. Ní Aódagaín,
Joan Peterson, and Christin Lore Weber. Order from the Applegater or from any one of those poets.
The Applegate Poets are donating all proceeds to the Applegater.
Order here $17 plus $5 postage and handling.
Also Available! From the Heart of the Applegate

Get your copy of the first-ever anthology of written works showcasing
some of the talented residents of southern Oregon's Applegate Valley,
renowned for its pastoral scenery, its recreational opportunities,
its wineries... and now its writers.
Order here: $16 plus $5 postage and handling.
All proceeds from these books will support the ongoing publication of the Applegater,
the quarterly newsmagazine of the Applegate Valley,
which is mailed free to all residents and businesses.