Applegater - Summer 2018

    Photo by Teya Jacobi

1 Wildfire preparedness - all year long? Or not? [by Sandy Shaffer] (Cont'd p.17)
Lavender Festival blooms in June [by Derek Owen] (Cont'd p.22)
Trails of the Applegate Watershed [by Jim Reiland] (Cont'd p.21)
Cantrall Buckley Park Golden Jubilee - Saturday 7.14.18
2 OBITUARY: Alice Gelston Migliore
OBITUARY: Rosalind Helene Macy
In Memoriam: Porscha Schiller and Franklyn Wise
Welcome to the Applegater, Lisa Baldwin!
Thalia Truesdell wins Oregon library award
3 Smokejumpers fought fires in the Applegate: 1972 was a bad year [by Maureen Flanagan Battistella]
Farewell Rat Race, Hello Applegate Open! [by Dan Wells and Kate Vangeloff]
4 BOOK REVIEW: One Nation Under Gold by James Ledbetter [reviewed by J.D. Rogers]
BOOK REVIEW: The Bounty Huntress by John Riha [reviewed by Diana Coogle]
POETRY CORNER: Summer Solstice [by David C. Shiah]
5 Fine Print * Who We Are * Our Mission * Acknowledgements *
A huge THANKS to the generous donors who recently contributed to the Applegater
Editorial Calendar
The benefits of singing with others [by Harmony Haynie]
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The solution to everything by Alan Journet
Inside the Gater
6 Jackson County Library Services
Applegate Library [by Christine Grubb]
Ruch Library [by Thalia Truesdell]
Josephine Community Libraries
Williams branch [by Ellie Avis]
What Do You Know? How-To Festival - September 22, 2018
A Greater Applegate [by Seth Kaplan]
McKee Bridge Historical Society [by Paul Tipton]
Pacifica [by Peg Prag]
8 THE STARRY SIDE: The North Star, the still star [by Greeley Wells]
Greeley's Sky Calendar
9 DIRTY FINGERNAILS AND ALL: Walipini, a place of warmth [by Sioux Rogers]
10 Cantrall Buckley Park - Art is happening in the park [by Janis Mohr-Tipton]
Jewel of the Applegate: 50 years of Cantrall Buckley Park [by Tom Carstens] (Cont'd p.11)
11 Jewel of the Applegate [continued from page 10]
Memories of Cantrall Buckley Park
Moving upstream: APWC assists fish and farmers on the Little Applegate River [by Barbara Summerhawk]
12 Notes from a Rogue entomologist: Introductions and an update [by Richard J. Hilton]
Changes on the river at Provolt Seed Orchard [by Jakob Shockey]
13 BIRD EXPLORER: Migrating Neotropical birds [by Peter J. Thiemann]
Multiple tails [by Linda Kappen]
14 Update: Upper Applegate Demonstration Unit [by Don Boucher]
15 Featured Advertiser: Applegate Excavate & Fence [by Sebastian Klinefelter]
Double Taps
Jefferson Farm Kitchen
Rebel Heart Books
Silver Lining Jewelers
Sterling Creek Chalet Bed and Breakfast
16 Q&A with BLM’s Allen Bollschweiler, Part 1
Sweet corn improvement in the Applegate Valley. Be a corn taster! [by Jonathan Spero]
17 Single in the Applegate? [by Sandy Brooke]
The Applegater needs your help!
Wildfire preparedness [continued from page 1]
Thompson Creek neighbors mobilize to deny permit [by Joan Peterson and Larry Francis]
More fake climate change information [by Alan Voetsch]
Behind the Green Door: Need for accountability [by Chris Bratt]
Post-fire logging: Beyond the smokescreen and rhetoric are significant scientific facts [by Luke Ruediger]
20 GRAPE TALK: Summer fun at local wineries! [by Debbie Tollefson]
Voices of the Applegate Fall Rehearsals [by Joan Peterson]
21 ATA takes Ruch School elementary students on the East ART [by Diana Coogle]
Upcoming ATA hikes
Applegate Trails [continued from page 1]
Map: Applegate Valley Trails
22 Whoa to woad [by Barbara Mumblo]
Native thistles are good for hummingbirds, bees, butterflies, birds [by Suzie Savoie]
Lavender [continued from page 1]
Ruch School PTO announces lively annual fundraising event [by Stacie Grier]
Applegate and Williams schools
Applegate School news
Williams School news [by Jean Hall]
24 Look who's reading the Gater!

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  List of advertisers for this issue  
  Community Calendar  
  Stories on the Land [by G. McKinley and D. Frank] Excerpt 4 [excerpted by D. Coogle]  
  Jewel of the Applegate — 50 years of Cantrall Buckley Park  

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